Build His House

Help us share the vision

We are all excited about the next steps God has opened for Jesus Image and we’re thankful that you are willing to help us share the vision for the building. We are requesting that you post the below video on your social media feeds.

How to share the video

Step 1

Download the video

On mobile device – Download the video to your mobile device. Click “Download” and select the “HD 1080p” version. Your download will be available by clicking the down arrow at the bottom left of your screen (iPhone), then click the video itself which will open the video to it’s own page, and click the “share” square with arrow at the bottom left of your screen. Click “Save Video” to add it to your camera roll.

Step 2

Copy the below caption

					Build His House! The time has come to build for His glory. As you know Jesus Image owns a parcel of land on Lake Mary Boulevard in Seminole County, FL. This has been a dream of ours for years. We have prayed and wept over seeing a place built that would be a dwelling place for the very Presence of Jesus. This video declares the vision with great clarity and faith — finally, we will have a home for the generations to come. May Jesus be pleased with all that takes place here. May multiplied millions meet Him and fall in love with Him here. May the sick be healed and may His tangible Presence be our home. May the nations gather here in His glory. May Jesus lovers be sent out to the nations from this land.  Most of all, may Jesus find His home with us and may His Bride emerge here. 

We are believing that the entire building will be paid off very soon. Would you pray about giving sacrificially to this holy project? There is something beautiful about giving to a vision that is bigger than us and will outlive us. If Jesus Image has been a blessing to you, we are asking you to help us move into our own home for His glory. To give, please visit 


Step 3

Load the video to your social channels and paste the caption

Facebook & Instagram – video will load like normal

Instagram Stories – The video is too long to load directly here, but please share the video to Instagram Stories from your main Instagram Grid post, and if your stories allow you to add a link to your post, please add