Make me a Bethany has been a prayer of ours for years in this house and our community. During an intimate worship set at Jesus School one of our students began singing the line, “Make me a Bethany”. Over the next couple of days, the verses came from the Lord and the rest of the chorus soon followed. The team felt a sense of ease and clarity as they came back together to finish the song. The first time it was sung during a Thursday Morning Worship set, there wasn’t a dry eye in the room. The song has become an anthem for this house, it’s what we truly burn for. There is only one thing that’s needed — Jesus. As we sing these words of beautiful surrender, we long only to move His heart. Lord, make us a Bethany.
Jesus Image exists to love Jesus and to introduce Him to the world by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are called to minister to the heart of Jesus through a lifestyle of worship. His Presence is our deepest pursuit.